Sometimes waiting in the hardest part.
Dad has been a little down, with anxiety and confusion adding to the problems. He's back to "thinking" that he heard something vs. it being actual truth. The sense of time is off (AM/PM), so it's a little challenging right now to keep spirits up until we get the final report. Anxiety is not something that Dad handles well, so upset stomach and headaches are showing up. Hopefully that all gets resolved when we hear the Neurologist reassure him (and us) that we just took out a large lobe of his brain, and it showed radiation damage. Everything I've read and heard or seen in the past few months has me convinced that we need to just get past this swelling and all will actually be just fine.
Convincing Dad of that is a bit harder.
He's been off the phone and the computer (mostly), so there is definite focus on getting his spirits back up and that this is necrosis working at him, and not a big, ugly tumor like he's thinking it is. Physical and Speech Therapy continue with regular visits, which is trying to hold on to muscle mass that the steroids are robbing him of -- steroids are really evil, but the alternative of not having them really isn't even an option. He needs them to keep the swelling at bay. It could be months before they're able to wean him off of them.
In the meantime, Tracy just let me know that they found Dad's sunglasses on the mantle at their house. They'd been missing for quite a while, so they decided that was reason enough to go out and get a TCBY with everyone in tow. Who can argue spending time with those four adorable grandkids, Tracy and Rich, Mom and frozen yogurt? Apparently not even Dad.
Call the house first - but if there's anyone that was looking to stop by and pay a quick visit (or a long one?), I think the company would help lift some spirits around the house. Convincing him that it takes a year to recover from the type of surgery he had, and that it was radiation necrosis and not tumor removed, is an uphill battle right now.
Strength in numbers!!
I'm off to water my plants - it's 105 in Portland today. Incredibly unusual. And this is day four of it. I want my 75 degrees and sunshine with low humidity back, please! :)