Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Getting ready for the holidays

Things are going pretty well in Elkhorn; good thing, as the weather is keeping everyone buttoned up inside.  I can't wait to join the land of "The high temperature today will be:  2".  

Dad seems to be doing okay.  He's better than he was last week, but still sleeping quite a bit.  They're heading in on Thursday to meet up with the doctors to possibly make a medication change.  

When he's awake - watch out.  He's been dialing the rolodex like crazy, really enjoying catching up with friends and family.  If you try to call, leave a message as he doesn't always click over to answer the call-waiting.  

Overall - spirits are good, and everyone is getting ready for Christmas.  

Please warm those temperatures up a bit before I come in!  While it's 17 degrees in Portland (record cold snap), we haven't seen two degrees as a high.  I think ever.  ;)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A little better today. . .

Text messages were flying in during an all-day meeting today, with mostly positive news.  The medical crew in Omaha thinks this tiredness is mostly due to a reaction to the latest round of chemo, and it should go away in a few days.  Mom forced fluids today to try and combat some dehydration, and that seemed to help a little.  Dad wasn't as confused today, but still slept quite a bit.  Here's hoping tomorrow is better!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Not all of the days are better. . .

Just got off the phone with Mom, who said Dad is not doing as well today.  Not sure if it's the effect of finishing up the five days of chemo, or if the Ritalin isn't doing as good of a job anymore, but things aren't as good as they were even a few days ago when he was out to dinner a couple days with friends and playing checkers and CandyLand with the grandkids.

Dad's been getting a bit more tired and nauseous the past few days, which we attributed to the chemo treatments.  Today, he's quite a bit more confused, sleeping quite a lot, and not so steady on his feet.  Of course all of this started to really "gel" about 5:30PM local time, and since it's not an emergency, the early morning phone calls to the oncologist, home health nurse, and psychiatrist all happen first thing in the AM.

Hopefully this is just a wave caused by the chemo, and that he will be back up and on his feet tomorrow.  I'll try to keep the blog updated when I can.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A little better every day, it seems

I think I can officially go home without too much stress that there is a lot to do back in Omaha while I'm out in Portland.  Dad continues to get a little better every day.  He has more energy, is gaining back some weight, and is able to stay up the majority of the day (although there is still time set aside for a nap each day).

We saw the Oncologist today, and he was very happy to see the progress in just over four weeks.  He ended the appointment with a "good job, girls" - speaking to Mom and me about the persistence in finding out what was wrong and causing Dad to sleep all the time.  He started Dad on round two of the maintenance phase of chemo tonight, which will run for five days in a row.  He's tolerated it very well in the past, and don't think that this time will be any different.

We spent the evening with the Huff's - enjoying a bite to eat out, and then back to the house for all of us on the big couch to watch "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" with the kids.  Of course I got the kids all wound up when I was leaving, just in time for them to fight bed time.  I'm sure Tracy loves it when I do that. . .but Auntie can't be good ALL the time.  :)

The clarity increases and the confusion lessens, it seems, each day a little bit more.  Who knows?  Maybe by the time I'm home for Christmas Dad will get his driving privileges back?   I think we'll let him drive the vacuum and the treadmill first to see how he handles that.

Amazing how much of a difference there is from the day I landed (Nov 8th) to today.  Night and day, to say the least!