Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day Three of Complete Bed Rest

Yesterday Dad was thinking that just because he saw the sun rise twice, that his 48hr prescription for complete bed rest while the blood thinners worked their magic was over.  Not quite.  He just finished his two day stint and on his third.

His hopes of getting to the "Chair Rest" stage this morning were dashed by a too low coumadin level.  Tomorrow he's told.

Grandkids Emily and Dillon made an appearance earlier today, which brightened things up a bit and relinquished some of the boredom.  He was also greeted with two John Grisham paperbacks, and I believe his laptop.  

He's doing really well - just waiting for the medicine to work.  His request to mow the lawn with the walk-behind mower and a sturdy walk on the treadmill were declined today by the doctor.  One day at a time until they get his circulatory system acting normally again.

That's all for now. . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope that you are having a good Sunday. I'm back in Texas. Warm and dry here. Gary