To prepare for what could be an interesting night for the staff on the neurology step-down unit, they moved Dad to a corner room right next to the nurses' station. There is a clear line of site into his room (and his bed) at all times. The bed alarm is on "high alert" - and when that alarm goes off, there is no mistaking that it should be taken seriously and get the heck out of the way as a few people are running down the hall NOW to make sure Dad doesn't get out of bed on his own. We also felt somewhat reassured that a care tech was in the room with his computer, basically blocking the doorway and just a few steps from the bed. He was going to be Dad's "buddy" for the evening and not leave his side. When Dad is really tired, he gets more confused, and even more convinced that he should be able to get up out of bed. There's no convincing him otherwise.
Mom and I are now back at the hotel and beyond tired. Uncle Steve left this afternoon as Dad was settling into his new room, and made it back to Nebraska without incident. We hope to do the same Sunday or Monday, just as soon as Dad is able to leave the hospital and travel. The next few days are just focusing in on getting Dad stronger and healing. 40 staples to close the incision, and some titanium screws to hold the skull back together will take a bit longer to heal for him than those that have never had radiation treatments. Keeping infection at bay is Job One now.
Be on the alert - Dad has been without a cell phone for a few days, and he's starting to scroll through the contact list (sometimes with his eyes closed) and dialing. He's pretty with it, but for the most up to date and accurate news, please refer to the blog and not Dad. . .at least not yet.
Good night from Rochester.
That is wonderful news!
Praise God! Prayers ARE answered.
Pat W.
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