Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fairly quiet morning, Dad's now sleeping

Mom and I are in the process of moving from the 2BR to a 1BR hotel room (so long comfortable bed, hello comfortable air mattress!), so we haven't been up to the hospital yet. We both slept in just a little this morning (ahhhhhh), and having a bit of a slower-paced day.

We've nearly needed an abacus to work out the improved rates, retro-rates, tax-free status (at 31 days, you get all of your room rate taxes refunded), but we've done it. I cannot say enough about Towneplace Suites. They've been really, really nice to work with and very accommodating.

Dad is sleeping now. He was up to the chair this morning for breakfast (so we hear from his nurse Sara). Not sure what the doctors said this morning, but yesterday afternoon we did talk with them so a little less guilt felt about not being there this morning for rounds.

Just as soon as we can get into the new room (anytime now), we're moving and then up to the hospital we go. Things are apparently pretty much the same from yesterday. Dad was pretty confused this morning on where he was, and was getting pretty adamant about talking to the person in charge to get him out of there. Thankfully, they're not giving in.

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