So much, yet so little, has happened to let us know what is going on. Two CT scans and one MRI later, and we're still left wondering what's happening beyond the bleed caused from the fall. Thankfully we were able to figure out a way to get the scans up to the doctors at the Mayo Clinic (the neurologist called me over his lunch hour today to find out what was going on) -- overnight express to a courier service, and then have the courier service walk the scans up to the front desk of our neurologist. The doctor should have the scans tomorrow afternoon and hopefully we'll have a plan of action by end of day tomorrow.
According to Tracy and Mom, Dad's mouth on the left side isn't drooping as severely, but he's quite a bit more confused and slurring his speech today than yesterday. When I talked to him, it was pretty difficult to understand more than just a few words at a time. He sounds quite a bit weaker today than he did yesterday even (and yesterday he didn't exactly sound strong). Dad's left side is very weak, to the point of holding a cup of fruit in the left hand so he can use a fork in his right hand isn't working well. He's pretty much bed-ridden right now, requiring three people to help him stand and "walk" to the chair.
Mom did give him basically a day at the salon, though -- she cut his hair a bit, trimmed his unruly eyebrows, and gave him a shave. She said it made HER feel better if nothing else. The bleed in his brain seems to have been halted as well (which is a very good thing!) based on the latest CT scan.
Dad's oncologist returns to the office tomorrow, so he likely will be up early in the morning to conduct rounds and see Dad. The Mayo's neurologist is going to call him as well after that and they can compare notes as to what the next steps are. We're inquiring as to whether or not he needs the little green filters to be put in to avoid a blood clot moving from his legs to his heart or lungs (he was taken off of the blood thinners on Saturday in anticipation of emergency surgery that didn't materialize), as well as cranking up the steroids to the highest level to try and get him a little strength to fight whatever it is that's bringing him down.
While his time on the phone is pretty limited right now, I'm sure that a note of encouragement or a card to the house (where Mom is now returning each night after we got a "sitter" in the room to make sure Dad stayed in bed) would go over well. I'll check his email later tonight and pass along any messages already sent.
Keep thinking positively.
1 comment:
Roger, Jan, Tracy & Mary: You are in our prayers. Your old "N" street neighbors,
Tom & Ginny Berney
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