Dad officially has a "First Down" in the Blockin' for Butch campaign. Thanks everyone! It's not too late to send a check down to Arizona to help even further.
Dad's has had a better couple of days, but he's still really, really sleepy. They're looking to restart him on a stimulant to maybe kickstart him a bit for therapy. The good news is that what used to take three or four people (getting him out of bed, to the chair, etc.), now only takes two.
Dad is spending his days of therapy (well, hours right now) on the parallel bars, getting stronger and getting his legs back working like they should. Hard to believe that they need to go back to the basics, but that's exactly what they're doing. He also had his first real bonafide shower yesterday, and he said it made him feel like a million bucks. Progress.
I'm getting inquiries on when is a good time to visit up to Brookstone. The best answer I can give is, "When he's not in rehab." His schedule is changing quite a bit still, so probably the most consistent time he's available is over meal times, or in the evenings (early, as by 7:00 he's very wiped out from the day).
I'm off to try and listen to the Nebraska game on the radio (no PPV here in Oregon) and clean up the house a bit. It was much easier in Omaha when the Merry Maids came to clean. I may need to give a "To Mary, From Mary" present this fall for a deep cleaning of the house by someone other than myself. :)
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