Dad's doing pretty darn well for all of the activity the past few days. Lots of family visiting, a lot of small kids running around, and quite a Nebraska game! He's knocking off items on "Roger's List" to do pretty much without too much prompting. He had PT today, and they will make the determination next week on discharging him from home health.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Day After Thanksgiving. . .
Dad's doing pretty darn well for all of the activity the past few days. Lots of family visiting, a lot of small kids running around, and quite a Nebraska game! He's knocking off items on "Roger's List" to do pretty much without too much prompting. He had PT today, and they will make the determination next week on discharging him from home health.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
"Roger's Morning List" has been created
I can almost guarantee there will be family fighting on Friday during the Nebraska game. Dad got a wonderful homemade fleece blanket from his sister, Cathy, today and it is unbelievably soft and warm. Fighting to be in possession of the blanket and under it during the game will definitely happen. Mark my words. Goodies from the gift basket from my co-workers at Intel (greatest team to work with EVER!) will be used as bait to try and get the person with the blanket to leave it alone just for a few seconds. That's all it will take. Possession is 90% of the law, right?
Not much change the past couple of days; he's definitely awake more, but still walking a bit hunched over, still struggling to find words sometimes, and definitely gets worn out after just the slightest bit of activity. He did take a nap today, and he said he felt bad about doing so but he really wanted to have one. I told him that's not so unusual, and that I would have LOVED to take a nap today had the time been in my favor. Alas, it was not with Thanksgiving prep, work, and an airport run to pick up Mike and Cindy!
For those that are anxious to talk to Dad on the phone, he is talking now and can handle the conversations pretty well. One thing that I'd like to request is keeping the talking about the last month, or even his treatments/health to a minimum. He's really focused on it right now, and we're not sure it's all good to be in a constant state of thinking/talking about what's just happened. A short conversation about it and how he's doing today mixed with talk of grandkids, retirement, the weather, as well as things going on in YOUR lives are especially important. If you need a topic, I'd be happy to provide several. Just send me a note. :)
I've seen some mis-information going out via email from Dad, so to clarify: the first scan done in late October was just a baseline scan, but it was "good" news in that no change to the tumor in a negative way was going on, and that we will follow up in three months (end of January) for another scan. That one will be a bit more telling, as the radiation will have had more of a chance to work, he would have been through one full 6 week dose of chemo, as well as four monthly maintenance doses of chemo (each done for five days, one week a month). Until then, it's focused on getting his strength back, keeping him engaged in day-to-day, and getting back to "normal." He starts his next dose of monthly chemo on Monday, December 1st.
Hope everyone has a very happy thanksgiving!!! The Dillon's will be eating off of normal dinner plates this year instead of china (the HORROR!) to save some time in the kitchen and reduce the work of hand-washing all the dishes, but 17 family members will be in the house Thursday and we'll all be very thankful that we could all be together for the holidays.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Weekend was a bit slower than anticipated
Friday, November 21, 2008
PT gets the last laugh. . .Dad's going to bed
Dad is starting to show off for the physical therapist
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The trend continues - even out to dinner tonight
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A little better each day, even went on an errand today!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Physical Therapy resulted in a long nap; but still better today
Monday, November 17, 2008
An "awakening" of sorts
We've had an "awakenings" of sorts in the past 18 hours, likely due to the addition of Ritalin and further reduction in his steroid intake. Much more awake (only sleeping 19+ hrs instead of 24hrs/day). However, he's still pretty confused -- it's like he's had a stroke the way he's trying to find the words to speak or questions he wants to ask. Better, however, than 24hrs ago. We'll take it. Yesterday afternoon we didn't know what to think, so to have a turnaround this quickly was not expected.
We need to get through this week (where we'll likely see the peak in improvement with the new medication per his internal medicine doctor this AM), and get him to start drinking fluids all the time. Apparently damage to the hypothalamus and that part of the brain can impact his body's signal to drink more. Dehydration is settling in, so some aggressive family prodding to drink is now in play at the Dillon house to get his blood pressure back up and heart rate down. He has physical therapy coming out to start on his return to strength program.
Also got him a quick haircut at the local walk-in salon on the way home from the doctor's office (I'm so thankful that I didn't have to follow up on my threat of using the clippers here at home; that could have been disastrous), so he's looking better today. He's also not fighting us so much on eating. He even picked up the Sunday paper as I was cleaning up the lunch dishes just now. . .not that he really read anything, but the desire to do something other than hold his head and go back to bed is an incredibly welcome sign. Of course he's on his way for a nap now, but a positive past couple of hours.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A bit more awake, but still very confused
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ritalin: Not just for ADHD kids anymore