Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hurry up and wait

Well, all of the records have been gathered and now we're just waiting on the next steps.  No update yet from Mayo's on possible windows of time we can get in up there.  I just talked with the appointment desk and of course just trying to make an appointment on our own puts us into December, so we sent another message to have the doctors coordinate with the Omaha medical crew and hope that we can get up there sooner than that.

Dad seems to be eating a bit better today, and actually sat in the living room to have a big breakfast (breaking every law in the house of eating anywhere but the kitchen).  He even wanted to call a friend of his to check in, which is a first in weeks.  Didn't last long, and he's back in bed, but a bit better than yesterday for a few minutes at a time.  We'll take it.

At this point, our next appointment is Friday with the psychiatrist unless we can get in somewhere earlier.  We're ready to leave for Mayo's at any time, but not sure yet when that will be.  In the mean time, we're getting an evaluation for physical therapy/nutrition and overall assessment soon.

I'll continue to update as I know more.

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