Thursday, November 20, 2008

The trend continues - even out to dinner tonight

If you see any of the Dillon family wearing shirts provided by the pharmaceutical company that makes Ritalin, there's a reason.  Dad continues to get better and more alert with each day.  Today he was up a good part of the day.  We had a two hour appointment with the neuropsychiatrist, and he was as fascinated by the case as we were, which helps!  He was also remarked that it's extremely rare to have his office full of family members (all of us were there) and not have to referee a shouting match.  :)

On the way home from the appointment, Dad remarked that he'd like to have dinner out with the entire family tonight; which can mean only one thing: Zio's Pizza.  We got home, he took about an hour nap while I got caught up on work a bit, and then went down to Zio's where we all really enjoyed dinner.  The kids were super excited to see Grandpa, and we even went over to the Huff's so that Grandpa could rock Sam to sleep tonight - something he hasn't done for a few months.

Rich remarked sitting on the couch tonight: "Roger, it's good to have you awake."  Amazing what you can take for granted when life is going on as normal.  Start to appreciate the little things, like going out to eat or just sitting on the couch together, quite a bit.  

As I write this, it's 9:30PM and Dad is still awake, although getting close to being ready to go to bed.  PT tomorrow, and Dad's anxious to start getting back to being active and getting some strength back.  Doctor today said that it could be in part due to his being in bed for six weeks that he's so tired; but could also potentially be the temporal lobe of his brain sending the wrong message that he's exhausted, when physically he's just getting started.  We will continue to adjust medications and get him physical therapy until he yells, "Uncle!"

Overall, though, in just five days, a HUGE difference!!!

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