Wednesday, October 14, 2009

About the same as last night

Things with Dad continue to not be good. He's not really responding to questions or commands, but yet is still able to wake up enough to have some yogurt for breakfast. Definitely keeping him off of foods that require chewing right now, as he's just not able to focus long enough (or stay awake?) to chew it and then swallow. Even liquids pose some challenge, so they're watching closely so he doesn't aspirate.

He had a very quiet night, and the nursing staff helped get him cleaned up this morning.

I did leave Omaha early this morning, and am now in hot and humid Houston for the night. Then off to Portland tomorrow to get some things wrapped up there and grab some additional cold weather clothes, and back to Omaha on Friday. I'm currently looking for the keys to my car that is parked at the airport -- with no luck in finding them. I now have very good friends in Portland (Jeff, Alice & Scott) working out between them who is getting into my house to get the spare set, and driving down to meet me tomorrow night.

As we've learned the past 18 months, there are some great friends and neighbors that will bend over backwards to help in a time of need.

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