Sunday, October 4, 2009

New room; MRI on Monday

Dad is now in room #2008 -- a private room that's closer to the nursing station. We're still asking for a limited window of visitors (3-7 only, please) - but he seems to be adjusting into the new room well. His left side is very weak, and he's having difficulty (similar to when he was in ICU from what Tracy and I witnessed) in once he's asked to squeeze a hand or a rail with his left hand, he can't quite get the message through to let go. This proves interesting when he's walking the parallel bars, as his body and legs are ahead, with his left hand still hanging on to the bar behind him. We're not sure what that is. . .but it's another reason why the doctor was called this morning.

The doctor ordered an MRI for Monday, as the symptoms that Dad is exhibiting are similar to when he was having bleeding in the brain back in August. Since he's not getting worse (but not getting any better, either), they're not in an emergent situation to get him to a scan. The facility will take him to Methodist on Monday and then back again after the scan. Dad is not as good as he was on Wednesday when they were able to get him in and out of the car and have Tracy/Mom drive. They will need to take him in the larger transport vehicle.

More news as we hear it this week. I likely won't be doing daily updates unless there are new events or news to share. . .but I will update when I can and as we learn more.

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