Monday, October 19, 2009

Similar to last night, no major change this morning

Already had a stream of visitors this morning. Cousins Aimee and Wade brought up a box of LaMars donuts, which went over well in the room. Felt bad that Dad couldn't join us for a sugar fix, as he was in quite a habit of "donut runs" at HyVee grocery store before his last admission to the hospital.

Hospice will be in today - we're not sure what time yet. Will look to keep Dad here at Brookestone to avoid the disruption for both him and the family.

He is still having his unstable breathing, seems a bit restless. They're alternating morphine and ativan to keep him comfortable. The nurses do not feel he is in pain, and that this is all part of the process as his body shuts down.

The best neighbors a person could ask for, Bev and Gene, came up this morning. Such great support for the entire family, but particularly for Mom. You all should be vying for the lot next to them - it's still open.

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